3  Answers from your InfoPoint Team

Questions that may need to be answered by the Information Point Team during the convention.

This part is a living document (to be updated by Dee) to ensure that current information is available to the information point team.

Questions about things onsite

If you see anything wrong that needs urgent attention, please report it to either security or a team leader.

If a child is missing, report it to security or to the front desk or any team member with a radio.

If something is wrong, but perhaps is not so urgent, go along to the volunteers desk to report it! Perhaps it is something you can fix yourself (such as restocking toilet paper) or can encourage some of your friends who are not full time crew to help with!

EJC first timers

Recommendations for those who are attending their first EJC.

  • Get set up comfortably. This is a long convention and it is worth your time getting your tent / camping spot set up nicely.
  • Be aware that if you are camping next to the “Irish Camp” (you will spot the flags), then expect conversations at many times of the day – this is not the best place to sleep if you need quiet for sleeping. You also may be adopted by them!
  • The bar will be playing music at night. Pitch your tent in an appropriate location for this. If you plan to stay up to dance the night away, or spend nights at the fire space, then being closer to this area is a good idea – it leaves the space further away for those who may want to go to sleep earlier.
  • Find the volunteering desk; the EJC is run by members of the juggling and circus community for the juggling and circus community. Volunteering helps to keep the running costs down making it accessible to more people. Volunteering is also a great way to make friends from all over the world!
  • Wander around the site to help you find out where things are.
  • Find the workshop board and make note of perhaps 3 or 4 workshops you are interested in. Pace yourself with workshops and allow yourself some time to absorb the information. Doing too many workshops in a day can mean that you can struggle to process the information.
  • Eat. Be aware that many stores are closed on Sundays!
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Consider running a workshop. Workshops at all levels, including absolute beginners, are welcome at EJCs! Many people want to try to learn a new skill, so beginners workshops can be important.

Site questions from attendees

Traders and Merchandise

Where are the traders? What are their opening hours?

The Traders are upstairs over the registration point / information point area.
  • EJC 2023 Merchandise Store is in the Traders Area (1st floor, right above the Info Point). Here you will find convention t-shirts, socks and other everyday items. Important: If you bought merchandise before the EJC, you can pick them up here!
  • Where is workshop space [insert workshop space name here]?

  • Is there a quiet space onsite?

  • Where is the recycling?

    Garbage is segregated into: paper, plastic and metal, glass, and mixed waste (e.g. food scraps). Take care of the environment with us!

Permission / queries for documents

  • I am leaving to catch a plane at 4am, can I sleep in the juggling hall?

    • You may pack up and have your belongings in the hall, but I am afraid that sleeping (intentionally) in the hall is not permitted during the festival.
  • Can we go busking in town?

  • I need an official stamped receipt for German tax purposes. Where do I get this?

    • Can you provide the details required: Name, Preregistration Number, Email Address that we can let you know when it is ready?
  • I need an official attendance certificate for my funding organisation.

    • Can you provide the details required: Name, Preregistration Number, Email Address. We can then email it to you when it is ready.
  • I need an official certificate saying that I have run a workshop (again, could be related to funding)

    • Can you provide the details required: Name, Workshop details, Email Address. We can then email it to you when it is ready.

Questions from locals

If you know people in the area, they may wish to come to events associated with the EJC!

  • Are public/gala show tickets still available/where can I buy one?
  • Are there any events for the public/locals to see/take part in?
  • I have a day pass, when do I have to leave by?

Volunteering / Running Workshops / Shows

  • I want to run a workshop. Who do I talk to?
  • What are those (volunteer) badges? How do I get them?
  • Where do I volunteer?
  • Where is badge control point …?
  • Where and when do I sign up for open stage?
  • Where and when do I sign up for the fire open stage?

Notices and Messages

  • Are there any regulations concerning sticking posters up for other juggling conventions (eg no pins or only on noticeboards).

    • The best place for sticking up posters for other juggling conventions is beside the workshop boards. Posters stuck up in other places, such as toilets, will be removed during the convention to avoid adding a huge burden to the take down crew.
  • I want to sell my old props, where can I do this? Where can I advertise them?

    • There is a noticeboard near the workshop boards, this is the best place for advertising selling old props. However, if you wish to sell anything on a bigger scale, you must have a traders permit.
  • Is there free wifi across all the site?

    • The park is big, so no.
  • Is there is a message board?

    • Beside the workshops board.
  • Is there WiFi? What is the WiFi password?

    • EJC_2023 password Lublin.2023
  • My friend(s) is arriving in a few hours can I leave a message to tell them how to find us?

    • Put a message (maybe sketch a map) on the message board, or send the image to them in a message online! Unfortunately, we cannot pass on such messages here.

Storage / Charging

  • Where can I charge my electric unicycle?
  • Where can I charge my phone (or other device)?

You can charge your phone or other electronic devices subject to space at the Charging Station. It will be staffed (by volunteers) from 10:00 to 18:00 – in this time we take care of your devices. It is in the main juggling hall (Hall C), beside the kids zone.

After hours you can use the charging point but on your own responsibility.

  • Where can I store my valuables on site? Are there lockers?
  • I’ve brought these large props for my show where can I store them?
  • I’ve brought some musical instruments that shouldn’t get damp / experience large temperature changes; therefore leaving it in a tent could damage it. Is there a place that I can leave it inside and access it as needed?

You can safely keep your important items without fear of its loss at InfoPoint. However, your items will only be accessible during the opening hours of Infopoint.

Show access

  • An attendee with limited mobility needs priority access to shows (without queuing). Who do they speak to about arranging this.
  • What times are the shows? Will there be enough seats / space?
  • How do you become “accredited media” in order to be able to access show venues early to position themselves in a good location for photographs? Who should they contact.


  • Where can I hang my hammock? Are there any special restrictions?

  • Where is camping space left? Where are quiet camping sites?

  • Is there an elsan point (place to dispose chemical camping toilet)?

    • No
  • Is the tap water drinkable?

    • Yes, especially the drinking water fountains in the park. These may be easier to use for refilling your water bottles than using the taps indoors.
  • Is there a fridge I can use so my chocolate isn’t all over my tent (non medical need)?

    • The only available refridgeration that we have for attendees is for medication that needs to be kept below a certain temperature. This is standard at EJCs.
  • Are there stoves in the cooking area?

    • No, the cooking area is the designated safe space for cooking in. Please bring your own stoves to it. If you are a in a group, you may find it useful to share stoves and gas to avoid having many partially used canisters of gas remaining.
  • Where should I do my washing up (where is the washing up area)?


  • Can I order a t-shirt/bag? How much will it cost to send it France/Germany/Doncaster etc?
  • Do you have my (pre-ordered) tshirt?

The EJC 2023 Merchandise Store is in the Traders Area (1st floor, right above the Info Point). Here you will find convention t-shirts, socks and other everyday items. Important: If you bought merchandise before the EJC, you can pick them up here!

Opening hours:
29.07 Saturday, 14:00–18:00 
30.07 Sunday, 12:00–16:00 
31.07 Monday, 12:00–16:00 
01.08 Tuesday, 12:00–16:00 
02.08 Wednesday, 12:00–16:00 
03.08 Thursday, 12:00–16:00 
04.08 Friday, 10:00–14:00 
05.08 Saturday, 10:00–14:00 
06.08 Sunday, 10:00–14:00 

Other queries

  • Do you have the current weather forecast? Are we expecting high winds/heavy rain/lightning?

    https://meteo.imgw.pl/dyn/#group=nwp&param=t-2-agl&model=cosmo7k0&loc=51.23564339314886,22.562398910522464,14 is a good option for local weather updates.

  • We are performers who do we need to talk to and where are they?

  • We are traders who do we need to talk to and where are they?

  • We are technicians who do we need to talk to and where are they?

  • We are contractors (electricians etc) who do we need to talk to and where are they?

  • When will the traders open?

  • What are the opening hours of onsite food vendors?

  • How strict(ly) are drug laws (enforced) around here?

    • Very. Drugs and narcotics, including marijuana, are illegal in Poland. Possession of even small quantities could lead to fines or imprisonment.

    Social Drug Policy Initiative (SIN) SIN is an organisation that has been taking care of the education and safety of psychoactive substance users for over a decade and has been working to rationalise drug policy. In their space at the convention area, you will find preventive and educational materials, and you can rest if you are overstimulated. During the convention you will also meet volunteers trained in caring for people under the influence of psychoactive substances.

  • My flight leaves very early. Do you know how much a taxi to the airport will cost?

    • Is it to Lublin airport? Otherwise, you will need to leave the evening before!
  • Can I change my gala show ticket for one to another show?

    • Look on the workshop board for the “Gala Show ticket swop workshop”
  • Can you book me a taxi to the train/bus station? Do you know the phone number of any local taxi firms?

    • Have you considered using an app (so you can manage your own booking)? Locals recommend: Freenow and list others. If it is just to the train station, you may struggle as the train station is so close!

Health queries

  • Are the local snakes/lizards/spiders/insects venomous? Will they bite me?

    There are small grass snakes in the part but they are not dangerous. You may have more of a problem with mosquitos!

  • What local plants sting or give skin rash?

  • I have broken a nail while juggling. Do you have a nail file/ nail scissors?

    • Look for Dee’s manicure kit. It is a small white case with “Dove” on it. It may be used it at the infopoint desk, but you can’t leave with it (Dee would like it to remain with all the parts!)
  • Is smoking permitted in any halls or big tops? What about e-cigarettes?

    • Smoking (including e-cigarettes) inside halls and big tops is not permitted by law.
  • Where can I charge my electric wheelchair / motorised mobility device?


The workshops boards are situated beside the information point - between the registration area and Hall C (the main juggling hall).

Workshops with an online sign up (for aerial or acrobatics etc), you may sign up at the following link: https://ti.to/ejc/workshops or you may go to the desk in Hall A (the aerial / acrobatic hall).

Sign up for Acrobatics and or Aerial Workshops 1 day before, between 13:30 and 16:00. Maximum of 3 per person.

Questions about things offsite

Where to buy things locally

  • buy camping gas [for my small stove]

    • Decathlon or Carrefour
  • buy methylated spirits for my trangia [stove]?

    • Decathlon
  • buy fresh (not UHT) milk nearby?

    • In the refridgerated section in supermarkets / convenience stores
  • buy more alcohol?

    • the bar, or at supermarkets.
  • get gluten-free / vegan / halal / kosher / paleolithic food?

  • buy stamps?

  • buy tobacco? What about rolling papers and filters [for tobacco]?

  • get some good ice cream?

  • the nearest place “my friend” can purchase prophylactics? Is there a vending machine to save having to talk to a real person?

Where is?

  • the nearest ATM (that still has money)?

    • try at the train station
  • the nearest bakery?

  • the nearest swimming pool? What are the opening hours? Are there special deals for jugglers?


For city transportation (in Lublin or any bigger city in Poland, including Warsaw) you can use a free app called Jakdojade (PL: Jak dojadę… = How can I get (to)…).

You may also wish to use the website https://jakdojade.pl/


Lublin Główny is the main railway station in Lublin. The station serves trains running on the four lines radiating from Lublin: north-east to Warsaw, north to Łuków, east to Chełm and the border with Ukraine, and south to Przeworsk.

The train station is approximately 500m from the site – walk straight down Dworcowa to get between the station and the site.

Need to find a railway timetable: this site should help! https://www.polishtrains.eu/rozklad-jazdy/lublin-glowny

We recommend that you prebook your railway ticket to ensure that you have a seat on the train, especially if leaving on Sunday 6th August. https://www.pkp.pl/en/

Buses in Lublin

If you need information about the bus routes of Lublin see this site

During the convention, your week pass also doubles as your local bus ticket!

Exploring the Area

The Lublin Tourist Organization will have a desk at the convention from Monday-Friday, 10:00–15:00, for all of you, who would like to find out more about beautiful Lublin City.

Moreover, there will be guided city tours. 1st August: 10:00 and 11:45 2nd August: 10:00 Meeting point: Krakowska Gate(in the Old Town / Stare Miasto) Duration: ca 1.5 hours.

Also consider a visit to Majdanek.

Tour Meeting Point
Majdanek Memorial
former Nazi extermination camp
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
  • Do you have a copy of the bus / train timetable (to nearest city / airport)? (first / last buses)

  • Where can you get public transport to (nearest town)?

    • we recommend the train station as it is close by. The bus station is Aleje Tysiąclecia 6, 20-400
  • Is the local river safe to swim in?

    • We recommend that if you want to swim, choose Aqua Lublin. We are not in a position to rate the safety of the local river for the purposes of swimming.
  • Is there anywhere still available to stay off-site?

  • Do you have a map of the area that I can take?

    • Hopefully the Lublin Tourist Organization will have lots! They will be onsite Monday-Friday, 10:00–15:00
  • Which languages do the locals generally speak/understand?

    It will depend on the age of the locals. People speak Polish; the younger the person, the more likely they will also speak good English.

  • Will there by guided tours to the city centre/area?

    Yes, there will be guided city tours. 1th August: 10:00 and 11:45 2nd August: 10:00 Meeting point: Krakowska Gate(in the Old Town / Stare Miasto) Duration: ca 1.5 hours.

  • Where can we buy local sweets / candy / pastries?

  • Where can I hire a bicycle and how much does it cost? Do I need a special app for this?

    We recommend https://lubelskirower.pl/en/ with the associated app. It has a 10PLN registration fee, and the pricing per use is very reasonable. There are several points near the site for collecting / returning these bikes.

  • Any suggestions for nice routes to go on my off-road unicycle? What level of difficulty are these routes – we are a mixed level group

  • Are there any good climbing spots nearby? Are they suitable for bouldering?

    We can’t recommend anything, but are sure that if you visit Wspinalnik (the outdoor shop mentioned in the camping supplies section https://dtoher.quarto.pub/info-book/InfoPointQs.html#need-to-buy-camping-related-supplies) they will be able to give recommendations appropriate to your skill level!

  • Are there tourist attractions/interesting landmarks nearby? How can I get there?

    Consider going on the guided tours; information on these is above!

  • Is there a local delicacy I should try?

Services in the Area

  • My van has broken down, do you have contact information for a mechanic?

  • Where is there a laundrette [or access a washing machine / dryer for my clothes] nearby?

    Try http://speedqueenlublin.pl/ which is based at Ul. Lipowa 1/Al. Racławickie 2, Lublin and also Ul. Dolińskiego 1 (corner of Unickiej), Lublin. There are a number of other options on the map in https://dtoher.quarto.pub/ejc2023info/InfoPointQs.html#services-located-in-lublin

  • Where can you get a good mobile phone signal/reception near to, if not onsite?

  • Where is it possible to get a boarding card printed?

  • Is there an internet cafe nearby? What are the opening hours? What does it cost? Does it have a printer for boarding cards?

  • Can you recommend a good place for Irish family dinner?

  • Where is the nearest dentist with emergency appointments and what are the opening hours?

  • What is the nearest hospital with casualty [Accident and Emergency] department. Is this open 24/7?

  • Where is the nearest opticians and what are the opening hours?

  • Where is the nearest pharmacy that is open?

    Opticians and pharmacies (chemists) are marked on the map https://dtoher.quarto.pub/info-book/InfoPointQs.html#services-located-in-lublin The pharmacy “Apteka Eskulap Obywatelska SAME DOBRE APTEKI, Obywatelska 4, 20-092 Lublin” is open 24/7 if you need it. Another one that is also open 24/7 is “Apteka na Zana CURATE CAŁODOBOWA, Tomasza Zana 27, 20-601 Lublin; this is accessible via bus number 155 or 161.

Need to find a supermarket

It will depend on how big a supermarket you need! See the camping supplies subsection for Carrefour. However there are smaller grocery stores nearer to the site.

Please see the local food shops map below for giving directions.

Stores are typically open Monday - Saturday 06:00 - 22:00

  • Biedronika
  • Lidl
  • Strokrotka
  • Żabka
  • Other convenience stores (see map)

are among the nearby stores that you can pick up basic groceries in.

Fruit/Veg Shop
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA

Need Banking Services

You can find a list of banks with branches in Lublin

A selection of the ATMs (those that have been identified in https://openstreetmap.org in June) are identified in the map below.

Note that ATMs that are isolated (not attached to a bank, such as at the train station) may charge you to make a withdrawal. This is less likely to happen at those attached to bank branches.

In Poland you can pay by credit card almost everywhere. You can also withdraw money while shopping at convenience stores (e.g. Żabka), supermarkets and gas stations.

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA

Swimming in Safety

There is a 20% discount available to those with an EJC ticket to Aqua Lublin! The facility is available from 10:00 to 22:00 and it is close to the EJC site: Aqua Lublin, Al. Zygmuntowskie

Aqua Lublin
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA

Services located in Lublin

Dry Cleaning
24/7 Chemist
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA