1 Introduction
Who is who on the team
In this chapter we will cover who to contact for different roles in the teams. We will (hopefully) have photographs of those people to help you recognise them or describe them to others!
Organisational Structure
Ideally we would have an organisational structure diagram for here with photos of the team leaders so that people can go to the lowest point rather than further up the chain of command. At the moment, I am just including a more general organisational structure diagram.
Who are the Team Leaders?
- Volunteer Coordination
- Site
- Campsite
- Firespace
- Unicycling Space
- Other outdoor structures (big tops etc)
- Showers
- Toilets
- Water
- Indoor spaces
- Food space
- Signage / Decoration
- Cleaning
- Information Point
- Security
- Bar
- Shows Technical
- Shows Artistic
- Workshops
- Registration
- Merchandise
- Crew food and welfare
- First Aid
Follow the principle of reporting issues to the “lowest ranked” appropriate person. If the issue requires more people to solve it, reporting it through the volunteering area is the way to go as volunteers will need to be found. If the issue requires information disseminated or a decision being made (and you are unsure who makes the decision), then information point is a good start.
Who does what?
Core Team
Main governing body of the EJC 2023 responsible for the overall concept, financial and legal areas.
- Joanna Reczek-Szwed
- Magda Martyniuk
- Daniel Chlibiuk
- Jakub Szwed
Volunteer Coordination
- Adam Banach
- Caroline Keating (Sweets)
- Jakub Puchatkiewicz
- Deirdre Toher (Dee)
- Hubert Kowalewski
- Angelika Chilimoniuk (Polish only)
- Magda Martyniuk
Logistics and Supplies
- Daniel Chlibiuk
- Mateusz Kownacki (workshop board)
- Magda Chlibiuk (aerial and acro)
Security team
- Joanna Reczek-Szwed coordinator
Medical team
- Joanna Reczek-Szwed coordinator
Harm Reduction SIN
- Katarzyna Smukowska
Cleaning crew
- Joanna Reczek-Szwed coordinator
Garbage disposal
- Daniel Chlibiuk coordinator
Youth Exchange Project
- Sabina Drąg
Acro and Aerial Space
- Magda Chlibiuk coordinator
Fire Space
- Martyna Fischer
- Dawid Fischer Fire Space
Unicycle Zone
- Paweł Pajda
- Mirosław Urban
- Krzysiek Pacholik
- Jakub Szwed main coordinator
Jakub is lead on Opening Show, Gala Shows and Special Shows!
Fire Gala
- Martyna Fischer
- Dawid Fischer
Open Stage
- Daniel Simu
Solo Performances
- Łukasz Wójtowicz + team
Opening Show
- Jakub Szwed
Youth Circus Shows
- Sabina Drąg
- Anna Dzilińska + team
Polish Irish Open Stage
- Marta Mądry + Irish Person (Des?)
Special Shows
- Jakub Szwed
Gala Shows
- Jakub Szwed
Special Events
- Joanna Reczek-Szwed
- Jakub Szwed
- Jakub Szwed Parade
Diabolo Battle
- Luis M. Hernández Bailón
- Marek Żmuda Games
Fight Night
- Artur Perskawiec
Joggling Championship
- Artur Perskawiec
VolleyClub Tournament
- Artur Perskawiec
Unicycle Events
- Paweł Pajda
Media Production
Broken into three parts; video, photo team and social media.
- Paweł Banaszczyk
Photo Team
- Radek Bułtowicz
Food will be provided to the crew. However, there are some people on the crew with serious dietary requirements which means that food hygiene needs to be maintained carefully, which is crucial to their health and safety. This includes:
- NEVER using one utensil to handle multiple foods and condiments (except on your own plate, duh). That’s how we reduce the risk of cross-contamination, since even trace amounts can pose a danger in some cases. cross-contamination.
- Food left out in the can attract ants, flies and other insects. Unattended food will be dumped if it stays uncovered.
- To help us win an endless war on flies, please close every jar, bottle, etc. as soon as you’ve finished using it
- If you take a beer from the fridge, please replace it with another one from the box.
- The refrigerator is going to be label to help you tell which food goes where, and we ask, that you follow it. Again, this is a safety issue to avoid potential contamination for those with serious allergies. Please be serious about this.
- If you have the time, clean up the food area as you go, and do your dishes after you’re done!
- Empty beer bottles should be returned to the boxes.
- Avoid using disposable kitchenware whenever possible.
- If you took something from the fridge, return in there, nowhere else.
- Should you need a quick snack, feel free to talk some fruit it a sandwich, but don’t overdo it - our resources aren’t infinite. v
Social Media