4 Medical Related Questions
Temporary If you know answers to the questions in the table you can fill them in in this spreadsheet
- Where should I leave my medication – it needs to be refrigerated.
- Where can I charge my electric wheelchair?
- Where are the paramedics? How do I contact them? (especially when you need one in the night when the event first aiders may not be obviously on duty).
- Where is the nearest dentist with emergency appointments and what are the opening hours
- Were is the nearest hospital with casualty [Accident and Emergency] department. Is this open 24/7?
- Where is the nearest opticians and what are the opening hours
- Where is the nearest pharmacy that is open?
- Can you recommend an local English (German / French) speaking doctor who can write a prescription for me? Where are they based?
For all the queries below, send to the first aiders.
- Do you have any aftersun as I have been stupid and didn’t realise that I could be sunburned?
- Have you got an ice pack / cold compression? I’ve hurt myself!
- I have cut myself do you have a plaster?
- Where can I burst this blister (do you have a pin)?